Monday, August 22, 2011


So have you been to the place? What do you mean, you haven't been there yet? Well, stop what you are doing, get in your car, and drive down to Congress right now and grab a cozy table with a bench seat for two. Trust me, it is worth it.

After announcing yesterday morning that I was dying for a huge breakfast served to me, my husband asked 'hey, do you want to go to that place on Congress, Annie's?'  what what? Do they have eggs and waffles? um, yes please. So we hopped in the car and headed up towards the capital and found a nice parking space within distance from the little cafe nestled on the not so bustling sidewalk of this major Austin thoroughfare. To my delight, there was sweet little tables with white linen table clothes outside underneath a shade tree, giving this place a sidewalk cafe feel that you see so often in Europe. Inside, a flurry of activity in the brightly lit cafe with sleek but cozy interior that transports you to Manhattan.

But that's not even the good part! Initially I was all excited for a large stack of french toast covered in strawberries and powdered sugar, and I almost caved after seeing the glistening pile on my neighbor's plate, but then I saw the eggs Benedict. I have a rule that you can judge the quality of a restaurant by their sauces. Hollandaise is at the top of that list. And I'm a sucker for it every time. Well, people, Annie's will not disappoint. The hollandaise was perfect. Perfect, I tell you. Creamy with a slight tart of lemon juice, but not too overpower the savory dish. The eggs were so light and fluffy for a minute I truly thought they had put whipped cream cheese on the top. Perfectly poached with a runny center, over a thin salty ham that was the perfect contrast to the gooey, light eggs and hollandaise. All on top of a beautifully toasted English muffin. There was a beautiful side of new potatoes with sage, that I shamefully dipped in ketchup, but were delicious all by themselves. My husband had an egg sandwich with bacon, which he exclaimed was the best he had ever eaten. I guess I will have to try it when we go back!