Monday, October 10, 2011


We decided to give Jeffrey's a go for my birthday dinner this past weekend. Jeffrey's has been a forerunner in fine dining establishments for the past 30 years, so I thought it was a safe bet. For the most part, it was.

Now, I am wicked preggo right now, so I can eat the side of a house, and I am pretty much always uncomfortable in some way, so I tend to be a little less forgiving in my dining experiences at the moment. Things like slick floors and tiny bathrooms are a bit irksome. But, Jeffrey's had such a cozy intimate ambiance, I couldn't hold a grudge. It was so romantic for me and my hubby, so I handled the slip and sliding to the bathroom with as much grace as possible and forgot about it.

Now the drinks, according to my husband, were excellent. He had a Manhattan made to his specifications, and he said it was delicious. There is a lot to be said for good drinks at a restaurant. I had water, and I will say that it was average. Probably the exact same water I would have at any other dining establishment. For an appetizer, we had the Oyster Octavia and the Oyster Original. I think both of us preferred the Oyster Original, with its honey-habanero aioli. I'm a sucker for a good aioli.  The Oyster Octavia was a little heavy on the sun-dried tomatoes. But the oysters were fried to perfection. 

For entrees, my hubby had the venison medallions on a bed of broccoli, eggplant and other vegetables. I had the rack of lamb on a bed of swiss chard and lamb jus over a bed of grits. The grits were fantastic, but the swiss chard was a bit too slimy and the lamb jus was barely present. A shame, because as well cooked as the lamb was, I think the chef was a bit heavy handed on the salt that night, and I could have used the bitter sweet sauce to balance out the savory lamb. But all in all, a delightful meal. I had a bite of venison from my husband, and in hindsight, I would have ordered it. But we always want what our husband's have, right? 

We passed on dessert but our waiter brought us 2 delicious macaroons from the local deli, and that was a perfect way to top off the meal. Jeffrey's was overall a romantic and comfortable experience. In the future, it might serve as a good place off the beaten path of downtown to grab a couple cocktails, and maybe an appetizer. 

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