Monday, January 16, 2012


I think my expectations were too high when we went to check out Bacon. I had let myself have fantastical dreams of bacon soup and bacon salad before a bacon steak with garlic bacon mashed potatoes entree followed by dessert, bacon ice cream with chocolate covered bacon garnish, of course. Alas, that is not what was on the menu. Instead we found some well executed sandwiches and bacon french fries.

I have to say the french fries were my favorite part, but like any 8 year old child, they usually are. Smothered in cheese, sour cream, chives and of course, bacon, there really wasn't any way to go wrong with these. I could eat a gallon of them. I would probably promptly go into cardiac arrest, but oh, what a wonderful way to go!

My husband had a bacon cheeseburger, which he said was alright. He might have had other comments, but it was too loud in the small, acoustically challenged diner/restaurant. This is no fancy shmancy place. This is an order at the counter, grab a table, and eat your grub kinda place! Really apropos for the name, and the decor was really cool too.  But back to the sandwiches! I had a fried chicken BLT with Cajun bacon. It was HUGE! I had to dismantle and cut it into pieces, and only got through half of it. And I'm wicked preggo, so that is saying something. The chicken was cooked to perfection, but being a southern gal, I have certain criteria for fried chicken, and rarely does it qualify past the MS River or Mason-Dixon line. Sorry, I love the Texmex, but bigger is not necessarily better in this case, Texas. The bacon was dare I say it, a tad dry? But it was all piled on yummy buttery Texas toast with mayo, lettuce and tomato, and I would take this sandwich over your fast food fare any day.

So my balloon was a little deflated, yes, but would I recommend it to bacon connoisseurs? or just people that like bacon? Sure. I mean, this place serves bacon chocolate chip cookies! And we have to keep our food priorities straight, folks.

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